Do you know how lucky we are to have Staal?
When, in all the time he has been here has his effort been questioned? Never. When have we ever had to worry about about whether we are getting all he has to give? Never.
Yes, he is not what he once was and should not be getting more than third pair minutes. But the example he sets for younger players is of immeasurable value, especially with a team comprised of so many such players.
He is not teaching anyone to be mediocre. He is teaching, by example, effort, professionalism, and how to continue on even in the light of severe injury.
I would bet that there are few players on the team held on higher esteem by younger players. He may not be a rah rah leader, but leadership comes in many forms. His contribution to this teams player development ethic is of immeasurable value.
If you can’t see that or understand that, than you really have little concept of how teams, people, or life works.