There were rumors they've been looking at DeAngleo for awhile before the trade, even back when he was with Tampa I think. I guess you'd have to assume that those were all BS
I don't know, on one hand I could see that there may have just been a bunch of circumstances in his way and the Rangers have been sort of trying to get him into the NHL. On the other hand, a lot of those circumstances that precluded him from making the NHL have been put there by the Rangers.
They trade for a on the cusp NHL prospect in ADA, I assume they knew he'd be waiver eligible this year when they made that trade, from then to now they signed Shattenkirk, extended Smith played him at RD, played all of Holden, Kampfer, even Staal a couple games at RD without bringing ADA back up.
And only once Smith was demoted, Holden traded and Shattenkirk still injured post trade deadline did ADA get many NHL games.
Then this off-season they add McQuaid, only to see all of Shattenkirk, Pionk and ADA show well in preseason.
I'm not sure if I am supposed to read that as they are giving ADA his due chances and he is not seizing them, or if I am supposed to read that as they are only playing him at the NHL level when all the other options are so limited they are sort of forced to play him.
If it's they are only playing him when forced, it makes me less confident in thinking they targeted him in that trade, usually someone who is targeted gets a path of less resistance, in my opinion, exemplified by McQuaid and pretty much every other player they ever targeted and traded for.