Very good article.
For three days in early August, in a hotel conference room on Manhattan’s East Side, we huddled, my coaching staff and I, to take stock of our team and map out the year ahead. Over binders filled with stats and scouting reports, and between maybe a thousand video clips, we brainstormed on how to take this new version of the Rangers — with a new group of players coming in and familiar ones stepping into new roles — and make it click.
With an eye toward maximizing the talents of each player, we broke the game down to its fine points, and when we parted, we had homework assignments. Each of us drew up schemes on the style and strategy that fits us best, in all zones of the ice, skating with and without the puck, from back-checking to special teams.
When we regathered a few weeks later, we had a consensus — reacquire Tanner Glass and Dan Girardi.