This team will not finish the year in first place. It is not a good team.
The 94 Rangers were a team of great players who played hard. This team is the complete opposite of that.
Don't buy at the deadline, you can't trade for enough turnover to actually make the team good. We need more than 2 or 4 players. The team needs about 9 new players. That can only be done with a rebuild. Start it at the end of the year sine they should be like WC1 or 2 by deadline and no one sells in that position.
I have said it over and over but this team is not under performing, this is who they are. To expect a turnaround is to expect an over performance. We only have 1 actual NHL line. So odds are stacked against them.
They will win their fair share against non-playoff teams and lose 9 out of 10 to playoffs teams the rest of the way. That will keep them in postseason position because their start was really good.
Problem is the contracts and NMCs really handcuff them. This is going to suck for us, the players will still get paid though.