This year playoff revenue was not really gate playoff revenue
I can certainly entertain the idea that Dolan was impulsive, yet I'm not sure he was wrong. The team looked like a perimeter team who was not willing to do hockey stuff required to beat teams who do hockey stuff, We can all assign blame wherever yet, GM, president have the ultimate responsibility there I'd think whether it was roster or coaching.
And that is not to say I think they were doing it all wrong, more so I think they attached themselves to the wrong horses. Panarin being the biggest one, he is great, yet not in the way others can replicate. Much like say Gaborik he is great in what he can do, which is not what others can do, yet they all lean toward trying to.
Panarin was 27-28 when signed, they were drafting kids who were 18. It never made much sense unless they were going to build around players also in their prime.
Anyway I know we will not agree on much of this, it's all good. I would not have fired JD and Gorton due to the Islanders or Caps, I would have fired them because this was two separate teams being built, and I do not think that is why Dolan did so. He likely thinks, I paid a lot of money to see those players and this team not compete, and/or get crushed while not even making the playoffs.