That didn't stop Stevie Y from sending a future star winger to an division MTL.
Good point. Bigger divisions might mean it's not such a big deal anymore.
That didn't stop Stevie Y from sending a future star winger to an division MTL.
Nicky- Hm, he certainly had Talbot and our ask? What more could you ask for? He certainly had Hagelin being the odd man out.
Take my word for it, he gets more info from our organization than anyone else. AINEC.
His mistakes led to the tying goal that sent us to overtime and the pinch led to the winning goal.
Anything else?
What? Really? You aren't going to find a better deal for Stepan than that. Wild would hang up the phone....
Also giving Brendan Smith market value? I am not too thrilled about that. 4.5M for 4-5 years for a #4 is not smart IMO.
Yeah I like Smith, and he is usually a good possession player but he doesn't provide any offense, or any particularly great puck moving. It'd be a waste to spend 4M+ on him for 4-5 years.
Games aren't decided based on 1 play. Blaming Holden, or even saying we lost the games because of him completely ignores the complete meltdown the team had as a whole.
You can't blame a player for a loss because he caused one goal, but then not credit him for the win when he scored
I said before other sources. People speculated all season including right here about Hags or Zooks. once Zooks re-signed Many people speculated that Hags who had a new deal coming might be traded. Brooks did not calk the Hags to Ducks trade for Etem in any advance way.
Brooks did not have any exclusive on Tablot trade to Edm. That was openly speculated for months by many people and Tablot almost went elsewhere in his last 2 weeks as a Ranger.
I have followed the Rangers for decades. I know 2 people in the MSG (not Ranger) organization. Brooks doesn't even get as much inside information as former Jets quarterback Boomer Essiason. Brooks accuracy is no better than many and a lot worse than some other guys imo.
When they are in overtime they certainly are decided on one play
I disagree, i think that's a pretty bad deal for Stepan.
I think Brodin is a #4 without any upside to being a top pairing guy and while i did like Tuch in his draft year i'm pretty uncertain about him now in 2017.
I think getting a left handed #4 with limited upside and a good but far from blue chip prospect for Stepan is really bad value.
To add to this, Bob McKenzie brook the Staal trade 2 seasons ago, not Brooks.
That guy is a hack's hack.
is tuch worse now ? this kid has enormous talent and adds an element down low this team could really use.
stepan for dumba and tuch would seem to me to be a great hockey trade.
dumba is a solid 23 yr old top 4 guy and tuch becomes our #1 forward prospect by alot.
Klingberg might interest me but I don't think Dallas is too interested in Stepan.
No, because you had 60 minutes before OT began which affect the outcome of the game as well.
This is the same as people crediting Lundqvist when we win 6-5 but blame the offense when we lose 6-5.
So Brooks is getting trashed for writing an opinion that comes off as opinion? Carpinella and Zipay only have opinion. Carpinella trolls fans all day, if we win or lose he shoe horns a McIlrath or Glass comment in. Brooks has his take, he reads the tea leaves like everyone else. I'd take the negativity a little more seriously if it was balanced and not just attacks every time he prints something.
His coverage of the CBA and takes on the negotiations are great in my opinion. He takes shots at Bettman, we can all get behind that, right?
I think it was Dregar not Brooks on the Yandle trade as well.
Brooks has put out a possible Shane Doan trade for year after year.
So Brooks is getting trashed for writing an opinion that comes off as opinion? Carpinella and Zipay only have opinion. Carpinella trolls fans all day, if we win or lose he shoe horns a McIlrath or Glass comment in. Brooks has his take, he reads the tea leaves like everyone else. I'd take the negativity a little more seriously if it was balanced and not just attacks every time he prints something.
His coverage of the CBA and takes on the negotiations are great in my opinion. He takes shots at Bettman, we can all get behind that, right?
I thought it was Kypreos that broke the Yandle trade but botched it by including Girardi in the deal.
He just hates owners, management, and several coaches. Comes off as a never was jealous person ala Lupica. Not sure why thats a good thing. Ranger players have despised the guy since the 70s. He called Kevin Lowe a coward. He is a keyboard tough guy. Stepan and Boyle were right to go after him imo. Maybe even Torts.
All NYR beats are garbage except for Hartnett
I think it was Dregar not Brooks on the Yandle trade as well.
Brooks has put out a possible Shane Doan trade for year after year.