If Stepan is traded, I would be okay with going with Zib, Hayes, Oscar down the middle this year. It may or may not work. We'll have to see how it plays out. If it does, great. If it doesn't work, we look to address it at the deadline or next summer.
Maybe we get a prospect center back in the deal for Stepan, or in a separate deal. Maybe that prospect is close to NHL ready and will be ready later this year or next year. We don't have to solve all of our problems right now. Let's make sure they are actually problems before we worry too much about addressing them.
This^. So much this^.
Too many posters here have the leash too far on choke mode.
Let them play.
Like I said many times, make AV bend buckle and break whether he likes it or not.
No more 2 gazillion line changes every game, most lines.
We are not married to Hayes for all eternity.
But we do have to give adequate time before we get guys like Vesey, Hayes, etc, and then move on to repurpose assets.
If we don't observe this, we will not be at top of list for many freebie college etc FAs.
And once and for all people, please lighten up on the Hayes bashing
There is room for improvement but for a guy with his size, he skates more than well enough.
It is finally clear Zib is staying
the anti-Miller crowd and Hayes haters now have to give it up.
Stepan IS going
Hayes stays.
The new young core at pivot is Zib/Miller/Hayes/Lindy/Nieves