This really is a tale of two polar opposite negotiation strategies. Externally, Dubas has spoken coolly and respectfully about Marner and his camp through and through; internally, if we are to believe insider reports, he’s concretely outlined the team’s priorities, presented a myriad of more-than-fair options for Marner to consider, and worked constructively to find something that works for both sides.
Meanwhile, Ferris has been overtly inflammatory and disparaging toward Dubas for months, talking about how insulting his tactics/offers have been. Internally, it appears that the camp has made no effort to find common ground or make certain concessions the way any sane individual would. It seems spiteful and tactless.
Obviously, some or all of what we’ve heard could be untrue, but if there’s any validity to these rumours it seems like the perfect example of bad faith negotiation on the end of the agent. It seems shockingly immature and unprofessional. If what we know is true of the offers that have been discussed/tables and the things that have been said, I place no blame on Dubas whatsoever and think that Ferris should be run out of the league. For someone working at this level, his approach has been downright pathetic.