"One more run" with this core".
After squandering the 3-2 series lead vs Boston, I heard "one more run with this core".
After the shameful and humiliating loss to (lol) Columbus, I hear "One more run with this core... and i MEAN it this time."
After the legendary and pathetic collapse to Montreal after securing a 3-1 series lead, it was now "One more run with this core. Seriously. Enough is enough. They have one more shot. That's IT!!!!!"
And now here we are. A blown 3-2 series lead. And it's "one more run with this core" all over again.
I can't write anything close to what I really want to right or I'll be banned outright.
So I'll just leave it as I'm now convinced it will literally ALWAYS be "one more chance". Forever. It will literally never end.