Clean Hits on Substack
It does work that way. If you’re responsible for a 17 year old who’s made tremendous personal progress, coming from about as low as one can get, to something approaching a model young man, not only should you protect him from having to relive this 100+ times in his draft year, you MUST. Even if it turns some teams off and he has to fall an extra round or two. Even then.When you abuse a disabled kid for years I think you lose the right to say "I don't want to talk about that anymore" when trying to show you have changed. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
It feels like his rep was shielding him from himself. Can't give a bad answer if you don't answer, but that comes off horribly in this situation.
I will say that there’s at least as good a chance that it was what you suggested in your second paragraph. It’s very possible he’s still a complete dipshit and they had to hide him as much as possible.