I could not agree more. The team that was stripped of their picks because they got cheating, took a kid who was charged with torturing another child with their first pick. It’s crazy. Especially given their Head Coach has his whole illegal gambling controversy. And then the fact that the owners (in the Casino business, among other things) were under scrutiny for missed per diem, bonuses, and rent payments. And also that they’re spear-heading diversity campaigns. Add to that the current social-political climate, and their standing ad possibly the least respected organization in the league already.
A real head-scratcher. If this kid isn’t the best freshman defenseman in all of division one next season, I really can’t see how this was even close to worth the trouble.
If they really like him as a person and really want to help him get better and improve himself on and off the ice, they could still just either let some other team do it for them, or invite him to camp, or AT LEAST take him later.