What do you think about Isaiah Meyer-Crothers story? I agree about people quoting as a unnamed source but this situation doesn’t look goodThose people giving those quotes are cowards and hypocrites. I’ll say it that clearly. To take part in trying to ruin this guy’s life because of that is ridiculous.
I don’t think many people remember some of the big mistakes they made at 14 years old. These people can’t be that cruel. They must be unaware of the type of mistakes a 14 year old makes.
I would never defend what it sounds like he did. I don’t know all the details, but it sounds pretty bad and disgraceful what he did.
If our society tried to shun people for the mistakes they made at an age where one does not have the cognitive development to be immune from these terrible mistakes, there would be very few people who weren’t shunned.
I can’t say I did what Miller did, if that’s true, but I certainly made some huge mistakes, did some highly regrettable things, and know plenty of people that did some terrible things, as well. I’m going to root for this kid, if teams are going to root against him, because I think it’s a very shitty thing to do what those quotes claim they are going to do.
And the post about Miller's father was ok? Ease up with words like "disgusting" since you don't you don't understand what I was doing. I was making a comparison and the point is that BOTH are irrelevant. This should have been clear from context, but it was then explained. You can also stop preaching. I know where I'm coming from and you can get off your high horse.
and also how to weigh more recent comments about what he's done or not done subsequently that don't have the sort of evidence that the issues in court had (including video and eyewitness).
And the post about Miller's father was ok? Ease up with words like "disgusting" since you clearly don't understand what I was doing. I was making a comparison and the point is that BOTH are irrelevant. This should have been clear from context, but it was then explained as well. You can also stop preaching. I know where I'm coming from and you can get off your high horse.
I'm not shifting blame. The events that Miller was brought to court for were awful, I don't see anyone saying anything to dispute that or excuse it in any way. What is being questioned is whether there should be a second chance for a 14 yr old (or anyone I guess), and also how to weigh more recent comments about what he's done or not done subsequently that don't have the sort of evidence that the issues in court had (including video and eyewitness).
It doesn't. Please read again.The Miller's dad post at least adds some context to the scenario. Hell, if anything its a point in Miller's favor. Maybe his actions as a teenager were heavily influenced by at least one of his parents being a big time POS, and if that's the case, maybe there is a hope for him after all. It'd be much worse for him if his parents were genuinely good people and he just was a POS all on his own.
But what does bringing up the victims dad matter?
It doesn't. Please read again.
I see the comparison now, I've edited my statement.
I don't think they're on the same level, no. One statement has been brought up to try to victim blame (not saying you posted it for that reason, but that is the reason the information has repeatedly been presented). The other contextualizes the offender's actions: [kid from a racist family becomes a racist bully]. Considering that this thread is about the offender's actions, mindset, behavior, etc... it is far more relevant. Perhaps it is in some ways out of bounds, we could have a discussion whether it is, but it is not remotely comparable to the absolute irrelevancy of the victim's fathers criminal record.
There is more evidence you might not have read, which I'll get to in a second - but you have to consider at the very least that when the victim and victim's mother say there was a pattern of abuse and that there was no attempt to make amends, their opinion on that matter is a dealbreaker. If you argue that maybe he tried to apologize and maybe they're making things up, you have to ask why is it that they hate Miller so much? Their opinion matters here in a different way than if it was just an accuser in a case where the initial guilt is unproven.
The victim and victim's mother said in 2016 (this was a big story in Toledo at the time) that there were many years of physical abuse up until Miller got caught on camera. Her/their story has been consistent.
The Jr. High classmates are quoted as saying that Miller had directed racial slurs at the victim very frequently. Finally - and I haven't found enough details to pin this on Miller - The girl who ratted out Miller said she had seen the victim assaulted so many times that she got sick of it. It should be a matter of record somewhere who she says was the assailant.
yikesThose people giving those quotes are cowards and hypocrites. I’ll say it that clearly. To take part in trying to ruin this guy’s life because of that is ridiculous.
I don’t think many people remember some of the big mistakes they made at 14 years old. These people can’t be that cruel. They must be unaware of the type of mistakes a 14 year old makes.
I would never defend what it sounds like he did. I don’t know all the details, but it sounds pretty bad and disgraceful what he did.
If our society tried to shun people for the mistakes they made at an age where one does not have the cognitive development to be immune from these terrible mistakes, there would be very few people who weren’t shunned.
I can’t say I did what Miller did, if that’s true, but I certainly made some huge mistakes, did some highly regrettable things, and know plenty of people that did some terrible things, as well. I’m going to root for this kid, if teams are going to root against him, because I think it’s a very shitty thing to do what those quotes claim they are going to do.
Its one thing to say that vile wordAnd the post about Miller's father was ok? Ease up with words like "disgusting" since you clearly don't understand what I was doing. I was making a comparison and the point is that BOTH are irrelevant. This should have been clear from context, but it was then explained as well. You can also stop preaching. I know where I'm coming from and you can get off your high horse.
I'm not shifting blame. The events that Miller was brought to court for were awful, I don't see anyone saying anything to dispute that or excuse it in any way. What is being questioned is whether there should be a second chance for a 14 yr old (or anyone I guess), and also how to weigh more recent comments about what he's done or not done subsequently that don't have the sort of evidence that the issues in court had (including video and eyewitness).
He has had years to make amends but as per the mother of the victim he has not even tried. Any attempt now would also come across a lot less sincere given that he has received so much bad press and is trying to save any potential pro career he might have.Then we should allow him to make amends.
I am not suggesting he be given a pass, my opinion is conditional on him changing who he was/isHe has had years to make amends but as per the mother of the victim he has not even tried. Any attempt now would also come across a lot less sincere given that he has received so much bad press and is trying to save any potential pro career he might have.
Exactly, if he wants a second chance he should sincerely reach out to the family and learn from what they tell him. If he does that and shows that he understands why what he did was wrong he can earn that second chance of showing he is a better person now and will strive to continue to get better.Second chances are earned, not given. So far he's earned nothing, therefore he deserves nothing.
Taunted him as recently as 2 years ago, 2 years after going to court over it.
Why would anyone draft this kid? Reckon he had to be on 30 DND lists....
Can't wait for this kid to get lit up every shift for the rest of his career.
I think the “collective conscience” on this Miller case is more about why this person shows no remorse, and lacks empathy for his victim. Collectively (normally functioning members of a society) we are trying to understand Miller’s actions, and lack of remorse. We can’t, because his behaviour (past bullying a mentally handicapped child, and no empathetic remorse) is so horribly wrong.People keep saying this. Why do you think that would happen? Do you think there is a collective conscience on this?
I think the “collective conscience” on this Miller case is more about why this person shows no remorse, and lacks empathy for his victim. Collectively (normally functioning members of a society) we are trying to understand Miller’s actions, and lack of remorse. We can’t, because his behaviour (past bullying a mentally handicapped child, and no empathetic remorse) is so horribly wrong.