A- for me. They really swung for the fences with some of these picks, but it's hard not to be excited.
I would've chosen Wahlstrom as well, but it sounds like Kravtsov is going to be a helluva player. It's not like they chose a kid with absolutely no future. Can't wait to see this kid light up the lamp here in a few years. I think this could be a Porzingis-like pick for the Rangers, where the fans whine and complain, but in a few years they're all going to be wearing his jersey.
I absolutely loved the Miller pick. Very raw, but a ton of athleticism and potentional. Wisconsin is a great place to develop. Plus he seems like a really good kid.
I wanted Wilde here, but Lundkvist seems like he's going to be a really good player, and I think is a really nice compliment to our other defensive prospects with his ability to move the puck.