Of course you don't need a tournament to be international to be best-on-best. It's a different tournament, not typical, but it is a best-on-best on its own merits.
Best what? Best players against best players? We see that already in the NHL. Everyone knows what best on best means, to try to pretend every best on best tournament that people refer to isn't international is disingenuous at best, idiotic at worst. Would you call a tournament with the world's best players sorted by the alphabet a best on best? Is the all star game best on best?
Okay we get it, you have a hangup on the non traditional makeup of the 2 non nation teams.
And once again this tournament is an NHL and is a one off, probably due to the MCDavid/Eichel factor in part.
It still doesn't change the question of the NHL world cup being closer to the Olympic standard (which is only recent BTW) of the term best on best than the WHC.
What is your point? Who is talking about the WHC? Everyone knows that the World Cup will have better players - to say otherwise is idiotic. Everyone can also see that the WHC is an international tournament, while the World Cup is not.
Oh and thank you, oh wise one, for alerting us all to the nature of the Olympics. I bet most people were completely unaware that NHLers didn't participate until 1998.
In fact one can easily make the argument, when taking away emotional hangups, that the 2 non nation teams actually increase the best on best competent of the tournament with them replacing the 7th and 8th best hockey nations in the world right now.
To suggest otherwise like another poster has done just isn't backed up with anything logical.
I'll leave it up to readers to decide if the NAU23 team is better than the Slovakia or Swiss National teams right now.
Ah yes, accusing people who can actually follow and construct coherent arguments of being blinded by emotion. I recommend at least comprehending an argument before looking for such ways to defend your baseless claims.
Since you do not understand the basic logic of what people have been telling you:
1. Everyone knows that the Young Gunz and the Euro Leftovers are more talented teams than Slovakia and Switzerland. Everyone.
2. It is complete speculation that they will be more competitive, considering Switzerland and Slovakia being proven teams, while the gimmick teams have notable obstacles to overcome such as: cohesion, motivation, experience. All that in addition to the fact that their talent level still trails that of the top teams.
3. Most importantly - whether they are competitive or not does not matter. There is no place in a supposedly
international tournament for non-national teams. That is based on the definition of international. If the NHL is going to make a non-international tournament, then by all means just maximize talent. They are presenting this as an international tournament though, and thus including non-national teams is wrong.