It's an NHL tournament with the profits being split by the NHL and the NHLPA, why can't they make the rules and with the bonus of young guys like McDavid and Eichel being on the U23 team they add an extra marquee impact and aura around something new.
Back to misdirection tactics, I see. Nobody's said the NHL is breaking some set rules by doing things this way, however, they are breaking the international
tradition and yet they're marketing it as "international hockey". It's misleading.
soccer went U23 for the Olympics for at least while, not sure if they still do it and it's not the world cup but why the outrage is the question I ask here.
Olympic soccer does not break tradition. It's still all national teams. Player eligibility may be more strictly regulated than usual, but I guess that gets a pass because soccer also has its longstanding marquee event (FIFA World Cup) which isn't going anywhere.
No personal stake at all here but just a simple observation of there not being enough NHL players to actually make up a team for either the Swiss or the Slovaks and certainly not with the marquee that the rest of Europe and U23 team bring.
The hick argument is simply a huge strawman, it's an NHL tourney, they can make whatever rules they want.
It would be a strawman if somebody was complaining about this being against some set of rules or another. No wait, that would still not be strawman. Just plain old lyin'. A piece of advice: Just mentioning the name of an argumentation error does not automatically bring a statement more credibility. It should also be used properly.
You see, nobody still wasn't saying it's against the rules. All that was being done was looking for a simple common sense reasoning for deviating from the true-and-tried formula. And the first good one is that if they can't use players outside the NHL, there simply aren't enough for Slovakia and Switzerland to field full rosters.
You know, discussing the matter with you would be so much more pleasant if you actually responded to the arguments you think you're responding to, rather than repeating some other talking points and pretending you're responding to the thing that was said.
So one needs to make a huge justification and really it's no justification is acceptable because everything has to be national?
that's weak and then things never change, some change in life is exciting and interesting and for those so strongly nationalistic (which comes with it's own wet of problems , see 2 world wars in the 19th century as an example)
It should involve all national teams if there are enough competitive national teams one can invite. It's no rule, but one shouldn't also wonder why people start wondering about it when said formula is broken.
"Not enough players in the pool we have" is a pretty good justification for it. "They're more competitive that way", is not.
And what World Wars in the 19th century are we talking about now? I'm only aware of the two in the 20th, and those were mostly motivated by human greed, with nationalism used as an excuse. Or, so it was in the first one. In the second, they didn't even bother with that, and just used ideology.
And oh, in case it was simple human error: Centuries are numbered by the year they
end to, not where they begin from. "19th century" refers to the 1800s, "20th" to the 1900s. We're currently in the 21st. If this was new information, maybe you should spend less time in Internet hockey forums and more in school.
Luckily, they haven't started any wars over hockey, though. And hopefully won't.
The talent level of the 2 "gimmick teams" is simply much better and makes fro a better draw in Toronto in what is an NHL tournament.
Why is this so hard to understand?
It would be one thing if it was totally replacing the Olympics and WHC, which it isn't but the simple fact is that most hockey fans, and especially paying ones in Toronto and North American television audiences would want to see the U23 and rest of Europe teams than the Swiss or Slovak ones, it's simple economics.
Heck even in countries other than the 2 nations listed above would want to see those teams right?
It would still be nice if you actually responded to the points being presented instead of just saying something and pretending it's relevant.
The point here was, that you said "things need no justification" first, and then you say "U23 and Rest of Europe will be more competitive", which IS a justification. You should feel no need to say the latter if you feel the former is true. Which means that either you're a very confused individual, or trying be smart but getting pretty badly mangled up in your own words.
Now, to humor you and respond to what you said... if the NHL just said "we want to have our own tournament using just NHLers, but there aren't enough NHLers of select nationals to have enough teams", I guess this wouldn't be an issue to anybody. But no, the NHL is touting this is as a fully qualified international event, which is bound to raise the eyebrows of those who know what international hockey is traditionally about.
Another troubling thing for people who don't dig this tournament is the talk that hints that the league is trying to use this thing as a pretext for pulling out of the Olympics, which puts what is currently the only true marquee event in hockey in jeopardy. Now, there is nothing wrong with having the NHL World Cup as it is if we only knew that they're also going to go to Pyeongchang and Beijing and beyond. If that's not happening, then the World Cup should be developed into a direction that makes it the marquee event - so that we'll still have one no matter what. It would be pretty much comparable to what FIFA does then.
I figure that in most countries, when they hear words "international hockey", they expect to see a tournament that has national teams in it. Not made-up ones. It would also be really nice if they had a chance to use each and every player available to them, instead of being limited to those playing in a certain market, like Europe or North America.
Now, not
every tournament has to be like this, some may be limited to one and one the other. But if there was at least one with no silly limitations or the inbuilt need to get creative - it would be really nice for hockey fans everywhere, would it not?
All the people who are supporting the World Cup as it is are doing is shooting their own legs. Because if the NHL sees this as a successful thing, they won't either bother with the Olympics anymore, nor will they bother developing this into a direction that turns it into a replacement marquee event. All we're left with then are Olympics that features only euro league players and guys from the lesser NA leagues, the World Championship which does not agree with the NHL's playoff schedule (which I consider nobody's fault, really) and finally, this plasticy thing that does not really bring all the world's best players from various hockey nations together either. And in the end, nobody wins. Or at least nobody who has to pay for tickets.