Fair as in denying Canada and USA the ability to select their best available players due to some asinine age limit while the other four national teams face no such restrictions.
That's pretty damn unfair by any standard I would think.
Can you think of a single other event in sports history where some teams faced eligibility restrictions that the rest of the field did not?
Team Canada and team USA must be furious that they don't have access to all of thsoe U23 players right?
Below is an exerpt of one of the many press releases by both teams.....
Again with the concern for the event's "business model." Are you a fan or an investor?
Slovakia and Switzerland would mean the event was a real best-on-best international competition (as the NHL claims) and not a shameless cash grab.
I'm an observer just like you so no need to try and look smart here.
The NHL is a business and they are obviously running an event based on some sort of business model and I'll ask you again, "do you think that Toronto and north american fans would rather see a team with McDavid and other young NA players or some guys from Switzerland and Slovakia that only the most die hard hockey fans would have even the remotest idea on who they were?"
then again I asked a similar question upthread and it's obvious that emotion isn't going to replace the most simple and elementary of business ideas of supply and demand here right?