As I said on the Ottawa thread. I am torn on what the Petes should do. My head tells me they need to do a small rebuild but my heart does not want the Petes to break up this team. In reality no one knows what Peterborough are going to do at the trade deadline. They have never said this is at rebuilding year. I really don’t think they are going to be buyer as they don’t have the assets. However I doubt they are not going to tank the team given the position they are in. As I have consistently said they will trade Owen Beck for likely a 16 or 17 year old forward plus two, 2nds and two, 3rds. I am starting to think they will likely also trade Sam Mayer for probably a 17 or 18 year old defenceman and a 2nd and a 3rd or 4th. I am not sure they will take an overage back in a deal for him if it lowers the draft picks. If the Petes make those moves at the suggested returns the Petes will have four, 2nds, four or five, 3rds, one or two, 4ths and four, 5ths in between 2024 and 2027. Do the Petes need make any other trades unless it is to similar players that are younger? I would say unless they can get additional good young players in return for Jonathan Melee, Donovan McCoy and Konnor Smith they keep them. I would not trade any of them for draft pick only unless they take the draft picks and turn them into good young players. We only have 23 players on the roster one of which is a goaltender so we will need to add players to replace the ones we trade.