Randy Butternubs
The best thing this team can do in 5 years or whenever, is to suck top 5 in the league for about 3 years. Not 5, 6, 7 years straight. Get 3 top 5 picks and grab your C's or top D. Then go big game hunting with the 70+M in cap space you SHOULD have each year - along with future 1sts if necessary. Even if it takes a bit longer - that hunt would be exciting around here so long as we're not wasting assets and space on absolute mids.
Those pushing to get there need to realize that a single Sid or Malkin figure is extraordinarily rare in the NHL.....let alone 2. The next-next era (here's to hoping to a new 5 year era this Summer) is going to look different here.
As long as they're entertaining while losing I'm okay with this. Though Edmonton, Arizona, and the like are cautionary tales against tanking.