When 19 years old Ovechkin had a better PPG than prime Pavel Datsyuk on the same team. He only played 37 games, so yeah his totals weren't spectacular. Some players played nearly 60 games, doesn't really seem like a fair comparison.
Datsyuk put up 32 points in 47 games on the same team at 25 years old. Here's his PPG in the years around that.
03-04: 0.91 PPG in the NHL
04-05: 0.68 PPG in Russia
05-06: 1.16 PPG in the NHL
Are we supposed to believe he was a great NHL player, got really bad for some reason at 25, then turned into a superstar at 26? Seems like the far more likely scenario is that it actually was tougher to score on that team than in the NHL for some players, for whatever reasons.
You guys act like Ovechkin was some mediocre player at 19 and an absolutely superstar at 20. That would require a "Teen Wolf-esque" transformation that just doesn't happen.