The issue, for me, is that, yes the Pride Night jersey stuff is mostly corporate virtue signaling. It's like when businesses change their logos to rainbow for pride month and then go back to cutting big bonus cheques for bigoted CEOs. I know it is performative and the reason why business partake in any of this is because it is good for their brand, not that many of them -actually- care.
Glad you see through the thin comes off even cheaper because well, it's the NHL. The sport in itself just isn't very inclusive, i've got 13yr old nephew who plays hockey and is considering quitting because of all the crap he gets as a mixed race kid.
The narrative around the game of hockey period, nevermind the NHL, needs to change with real actions...not these novelty jersey nights which are entirely self-serving for a league desperate to change it's image.
I find it's doing more damage than anything.
However, the whole point is to show inclusion and that hockey is a place that is welcoming for these communities. Which, I'm sure, you know it hasn't been and still isn't all that inclusive or safe for black hockey players. We are still dealing with banana throws and the N word being tossed around at kids.
The thing that's grown hockey for the black community definitely isn't the black history month jerseys or recognition of that. It has been the visible success of Iginla, Subban, etc. who are stars and giving them someone they can identify with and want to be like. That type of representation matters and does more than, like you said, a jersey or whatever performative thing the NHL and other leagues put on.
Representation is huge, you hit the nail on the head and I understand that the same applies here with the pride community, however, representation has to come in a different way, not this way IMO.
As for the inclusion part, also agreed, however are people currently being inclusive when they're calling players who have opted out of pride nights as bigots or homophobes? Again, correct me if i'm wrong, but choosing to wear a garment, or not, does not imply support or opposition.
I think of myself in this situation, again as a black hockey fan...if I played hockey, I wouldn't wear a BHM jersey not because i'm not proud of who I am but because I don't think who I am is a novelty act. It's not something I think should be marketed.
The reason why this is problematic for the (I'll just use Pride here because I know the acronym has changed) Pride community is that their representation isn't so easily identifiable on a player. PK Subban is black. His representation is physical in who he is. Being gay, gender neutral, etc. is not visible. We need representation of gay hockey players but when a large portion of the league refuses to wear a jersey. A f***ing pride jersey. They are signaling loudly that, no, you aren't welcome here. We don't accept you. I can't be bothered to wear a jersey to show acceptance of you being in the arena as a fan, or on the ice as a player or teammate. The jersey doesn't mean that you agree with it, even, just that you support their right to be part of the hockey community. But these homophobes hiding behind select lines of scripture (and not abiding by literally anything else) are just homophobes and they are drawing the line. I'd rather be publicly outed as someone who will never accept who you love than perform a small trivial gesture of wearing a rainbow jersey.
I agree with you at root - it's silly for a player, no matter how you feel on the topic, to not wear the jersey because then you're just inviting the backlash and letting others set your narrative and ultimately, it works against inclusion for all.
However it goes both ways...assuming an individual is a homophobe or a bigot because he/she chooses not to wear a garment is a leap too many make which I won't.
Although, I also think hiding behind the bible/religion is bullshit too and a cop out I mean my wife didn't make dinner for me last night, pretty sure I can find a reference in the bible that allows me to stone her if I wanted (don't worry, I won't). If you're going to stand on something, own it or else throw the jersey on and go bout' your business like you always have.
Gay hockey players are going to be less likely to come out and then we lose more representation and the further away from inclusion we get.
Hmm...not sure about that. Maybe, but I honest feel like those who are, aren't interested in coming out as hockey players. Maybe that's a decision that's personal and they want to make it away from the public eye. They also shouldn't have to feel the pressure of coming out.
Again, not saying I disagree with you, everything you said is right but we have to actually listen/hear all sides. Like I said earlier, I disagree with the explicit action of being vocal about not wearing a jersey, I also disagree with the narrative that that automatically means you're against that particular community.