67's lose 5-4 in OT 0:23
3RD 19:54 #19
Jack Beck (2) scores. Assists: #16
Logan Morrison, #4
Pavel Mintyukov
How does a goal count when both posts are dislodged, the ref blows his whistle then waves the goal off, then talks to his mate and says good goal?????
The 67s lost because they were unprepared for the third period and OT. Six shots in the third with a 3-1 lead?
The video review is a perfect example of why live sports are in danger. Football (particularly the CFL has become unwatchable), Baseball, Hockey, Soccer, Rugby have all gone to some sort of review. It has affected the way officials call the game and introduced concepts that would have been laughed at a few years ago.
Hockey, for example, has spent decades cleaning up and speeding up the game. Eliminating line brawls and staged fights. Instituting fast face-off rules. Adding a second referee to an already crowded ice surface. Now we can have as many as four 10-minute delays per game while refs or lines play Candy Crush. Referees increasingly call Major penalties, knowing that they will have to review it anyway. More than once, the decision was that there was no penalty at all. Last night, the awarding of a goal was a travesty. Not the deciding factor in the end, but a terrible decision.
The same thing happened with the Leafs, but there was a difference. There was a penalty assessed and then withdrawn on review. Last night, no penalty, a clear whistle, and a clear wave-off.
In Football, there are games where flag-happy officials ruin the game. fearful of being made to look foolish on review. I saw a baseball game replay where the same umpire was overturned 4 times on obvious errors. And yet, he is still a working umpire (and much-hated by the teams.)
The concept seems to be that every call should be perfect. News flash, we have no perfect players, no perfect coaches, and no perfect officials. These are live sports, played at pace, and there will always be errors. In the end, according to Macbeth, all sound and fury, signifying nothing.
I know I sound like an old fogey and maybe I am, but that's my opinion, like it or not.
I will remind you that opinions are like butt holes, everybody's got one.