Kris King's Ghost
Maybe he wasn't that great, but Laine is deplorable defensively. And I don't think he cares.
In Laine's case, it's what's between the ears that has always concerned me.
I had many heated debates concerning Laine back in 2016 --- from him being better than Matthews, to people wanting to soften some of his interactions with his coach, to just about everything under the sun. And three years later, I find myself still very torn on Laine.
The offensive talent is immense, and the truth is that he hasn't yet shown us what he's fully capable of.
But there's always been something there that concerns me. Whether it's sometimes marching to his own drummer when it's not really the right time or place, or his commitment to areas of the game that involve him scoring a goal, I've always found myself as uniquely fascinated by what I don't think Laine is, as compared to what he is --- or what others swear he is.
When I see Laine, I see a player who as a high probability of being one of those guys who struggles in scenarios where this isn't some elite, top-end talent to mask some of his shortcomings. And so long as he's in the right environment, there will always be people ready to pick up the sword for him. But over time, I see a player who could be exposed more and more, unless he changes his approach and mindset.