So reporting false info is perfectly ok and professional? No it's not. She should face consequences. She was completely wrong and this was a hugeee mistake. People have lost their jobs for less.
She didn't report "false information". At least not in the sense that you're implying. When reporters get blasted for false info it's for making things up or lying about what they heard. Willful deceit usually for their own ends.
By all accounts what happened to Hazel is that someone fed her bad or incomplete information. That happens all the time in situations where you're relying on someone else to be your source. Especially when it's a source you've otherwise normally trusted or been able to count on the reliability/accuracy of.
If you were holding the entirety of baseball media to this standard there would be no baseball media left because
everyone gets tripped up by this at some point or another. I'm sure you can go back through the scads of reports by Ken Rosenthal, Jon Morosi, Jeff Passan, Buster Olney, or even the other Jays reporters and find at least one instance where they cited something as true that later turned out not to be. Better fire the lot of them, I guess!!!
Should it happen? Probably not. But in a perfect world there wouldn't be this rush to break the story the way there is, leaving a cushion in which to do due diligence. You make the best of what the situation is.
Additionally none of this excuses the way you've handled the complaint, which has been in pretty poor taste.