This is what's disgusting and you should be embarrassed that your first reaction to things happening is to post this and apparently believe it without a trace of irony.
And no, none of the "I'm just a passionate fan" crap that you've used to play off your over-reactive knee-jerk reactions in the past covers for the fact that you're advocating someone having their career ruined because they got snookered by a false rumor or over-eager source once. Something that really means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things because it's one bad flub in a sea of otherwise perfectly fine reporting and (no matter what you might claim) causes absolutely no injury to you or anyone else in her audience other than self-imposed frustration and rage (which isn't her fault. Or anyone else's for that matter.)
If you want to talk disgrace and moronic behavior, go look in a mirror. Because there is no place for this petty, childish bullshit on here.