as Pure as Evil
Registered User
good day peoples. I have been reading the boards for a couple years now and just never bothered to post. Mostly due to someone posting something along the lines i was gonna say. However i was just wondering what you guys think of having a auction for johnson around the trade deadline. might be able to get some great pieces for a greedy pending ufa.( i say greedy cause most of the headlines you read about are saying he's looking to be paid grienke money .also a a projected #1 ) We could probably get a mix of doc/dickey return. maybe with a 3-4 started to take over the gap in the rotation. i just have a feeling he will burn the jays in the offseason. and with the new rules for compensation my question to you is would it be something to think about.. but who knows. im not meaning to be pesimistic just a thought about what could happen.