Fair comparison but I wouldn't exactly say fans showed up in droves after Loria split from the Marlins so not sure that would happen with Fisher out of the picture. The Marlins are typically bottom 4 in attendance and are second worst (11k avg) this year with a playoff potential team and some great WBC games. Loria's been gone for 6 years.
Personally, I think this Vegas move is a pump and dump and Fisher is gone a few years into the team playing in the new stadium. Maybe then, the acrimony wanes when he's out but not sure if the team rebounds. In today's socially connected world, Fisher has gotten WAAYYY more bad press than Loria did and I would argue Loria was far, far worse of an owner. Though I guess 12k sitting in a 30k building looks better than in a 37k one. ;-)
I think the main difference between Miami and the A's in Vegas...
Florida has had spring training in the state for centuries, and you also have a very sizable Cuban exile population in Miami. So there's PLENTY of baseball fans in Miami, but their loyalty is either to their long-time favorite Citrus League team or the game itself;
Winning over those fans to becoming lifelong Miami Marlins fans was just not done in the time that Wayne Huizinga owned the team then firesale of the roster the first time (Including Livan Hernandez).
It was hardly attempted during Loria's carpetbagging terrible ownership, with THREE more firesales.
It sounds very oversimplified, but they probably would have 15,000 die-hard fans who are there every night if they simply made everyone subject to firesales EXCEPT Livan Hernandez (First Firesale) and Miguel Cabrera (Second Firesale).
The A's don't have that problem in Oakland. They hate Fisher but LOVE THE As.
The stadium has been a dump since Mount Davis (or before then). You drop a new stadium in Oakland at any time from 2000-2023 and the fans are back unless Fisher keeps the firesale routine. (And it's easily argued that Fisher never GETS the A's if a new stadium was built first).
Fisher is going to have to do work to win over Las Vegas, but between the grace period of just getting a new team/new stadium -- plus in Vegas, he'll be on the revenue sharing train again, he can spend that money on players -- and the fact that his roster woes will be blamed by the Vegas fanbase on OAKLAND having terrible attendance/financials; he's in a much better position than a new owner of the Marlins trying to win over the locals.
I doubt it's anywhere but the Aviators stadium. Just expect all night games from May each season until the new stadium gets built.
The off chance it's not Vegas from 2025, could the Giants block the A's from playing in Sacramento as it's their AAA team?
The Giants couldn't block the A's from playing in Sacramento unless they control the lease of the stadium.