Honestly, sick of Matthews, Marner, and Nylander and their pissy way of going about things.
Should be pretty straight-forward and everything is all about getting every damn thing they want, while accomplishing nothing.
The first time around it could almost be forgiven because they hadn't "made any money yet", but now they are ready to do the same stupid shit: pule for every last penny, leaving the team grossly imbalanced and unable to put an well-rounded team out to compete. Ultimately they are fine with getting bounced every year because they are pay-cheque players.
Sick of them all to be honest. Won't shed a tear over any of them, as long as we get good value on them and put this team together properly.
All the hot air around wanting to stay together, but every time it was necessary for them to put their money where their mouth was, it was all just empty bullshit.
All 3 of them can get lost and hopefully recognize how badly they blew it. They could have been wildly rich, famous and successful here if they could have looked beyond the end of their noses. I have not problem dropping them off in any NHL shithole and let them count their millions alone.