Our core players price themselves to the same standard as everybody else. They expect to be paid more than players they are better than, even if some of their own fans always think the grass is greener on the other side, and won't acknowledge their obvious quality because of unrelated team accomplishments or improper contract valuation techniques.
The only thing most fans are cheering on is keeping their elite players at prices that benefit their team, and are consistent with history. Something that will help in the pursuit of a cup. Would we all want super massive discounts on all our players? Absolutely! But we're trying to have discussions about what's realistic and fair.
Yes. Players who were pretty comparable at time of signing their respective contracts, likely to get comparable contracts.
Yes. Marner getting a slightly bigger contract than a worse player, consistent with the gap in their quality and impact at time of signing.
Naming a bunch of misleading or team-based things other players did post-signing that had zero impact on their contract doesn't help your case, for the record.