No u
After a full day with many games I think I'm ready to say that ESPN+ is garbage and I know why they decreased the cost of the out of market service. We get less games, poor quality, and a service that is a massive massive downgrade from what we had. Navigation is terrible, everything is incorporated so I don't know what I'm pressing, and I'm actually angry that we got such a downgrade. This is how they treat NHL Fans (Like Crap) and it's getting nauseating. The NHL needs to figure out how to sell their product and I don't think they actually care. Gotta get that sweet ESPN money I guess.
By the way, all this bad mouthing of NBC, I liked their coverage, and I miss their theme song. Was it great? Not really, but it was doable and I already miss John Forslund on the national telecasts.
Also, f*** NHL Network with a f***ing Chainsaw. Put those games on a streaming service you f***ing Idiots (NHL).
Rose colored glasses. was massively uneven in its stream quality. Its navigation and native support was terrible most of the time, it was way too expensive for what it offered, and watching the same three commercial over and over again was obnoxious as hell. ESPN+ has its warts, but given its expansive catalog and the fact its got more incentive to improve, I don't see the warts lasting long.