NHL Mega-Mock Draft Reboot - Discussion / Draft Thread - PHASE THREE! Part Three

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Captain Dave Poulin

Imaginary Cat
Apr 30, 2015
Tokyo, JP
@JojoTheWhale if we make that alt your new main logo like you wanted, I may work this in somehow as your alt.


Lord Defect

Secretary of Blowtorching
Nov 13, 2013

GM Doug: Boss! Bossss!

Dietrich Mateschitz: Ah Douglas, vat is it now?
GM Doug: Well sir I took the TARDIS back in time to give my younger self some tips and then my younger self stole our Delorean and went somewhere else in time and now I don't know what he's doing and he let TK pick Team Show and I don't know how to stop him or what trouble he might wreak.
DM:Vell, zis is a pickle Douglas, but vun you haff brined yourself. How vill you eat this pickle?
GM Doug: With... a... sandwich?
DM: Eet ees a metaphor Douglas. Vat veapons do you have as assets?
GM Doug: Well, my brain I guess.
DM: Positive assets.
GM Doug: Oh, I have the last pick still.
DM: Und zat is, vat, Team pigeon? Team deodorant?
GM Doug: Dealer's choice, anything we want.
DM: Gott in himmel, anything?
GM Doug: Well, yeah, though someone got fancy and chose proton so that they can basically say they have part of everything.
DM: That is just matter Douglas. The other part of the universe is energy. But there are also concepts beyond this.
GM Doug: Like religion?
DM: Oh no Douglas, I am not falling into that quagmire trap of discussion by bringing religion into this. Let someone else try to draft God. Focus on the philosophical, not the religious.
GM Doug: *blank stare*
DM: If you vant something done, you must do it yourself I suppose.

With zee final pick of zis phase, zee Chi-ca-go Chim-pan-zees zelect Free Will as zeir Dealer's Choice.

GM Doug: You mean like...

DM: Nein Douglas, not a Disney movie and no ve will not pay royalties for zis clip. Free will is self-determination and the freedom to do. By choosing this, we can prevent Young Douglas from causing harm by taking away his choices. In some ways, any choice would have to go through us if ve so desired.
GM Doug: Is that even legal?
DM: Who can say? On the plus side, it fits neatly into a selection box.
GM Doug: Boss, I'm just going to take cover and pass this on to @BiggE .
I can’t believe One of my possible picks got sniped

Lord Defect

Secretary of Blowtorching
Nov 13, 2013
It’s been a long road to reach the final meaningful pick of phase three of this wonderful draft. Between some fantastic picks and long lulls each and everyone of you have done what will amount to what our pick will be.
There has been quite a few ideas that I tossed around, including one that was unbelievably sniped out from under my discarded idea pile. Because it’s a trash pick. And we all know it.
I know I’m rambling but don’t fall asleep on me here. In fact, you may never want to sleep again.
The St. Paul Stay Pufts are selecting..... Dreams.
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