Clear ajgoal! Symptomatic ajgoal! Cooing ajgoal!
The Mutineers now select our Trial By Combat champion. I had many ideas from Real History for this, but upon seeing this dude was unselected I figured I had to go for it.
A highly successful general in Marcus Aurelius' fierce wars along the Danube, this general personally took part in combat. His skills were so considerable that after he was betrayed and fell into slavery as a gladiator, he won match after match against increasingly impossible odds until he actually killed the weirdo emperor Commodus and returned Rome to its former status as a Republic, which is definitely completely real and what every noted historian would agree is exactly what happened; without even once quibbling over the nature of power in the Principate.
He also wore a cool helmet once, and he always hoped that we are entertained. And as a Roman he was well-bathed, which is nice because my alternate choice was famously filthy.
@BernieParent ! Unhealthy Bernie! Abashed Bernie! Irate Bernie!