I really try not to be mean to anyone, but I’m in some nutty fanbases and I…can’t quite commit to avoiding it.
Like the time I said comparing DiMaggio and Schilling’s peaks out of context is a little misleading because DiMaggio lost peak time to WWII and I got a nutty screed back that started with the phrase “You sound like a Milennial (Born 1983-1996).” I think about that once every couple weeks. Why were the dates included? What does when I was born have to do with Joe DiMaggio? If I was born in 1982, could I claim victory? Anyway, I’m sorry you can’t have an Ignore list.
Oh wait, I forgot I killed Malcom Gladwell. Yeah, it’s justified.
I have so many questions, but the biggest is why were you called a Millennial for defending DiMaggo? It would be the opposite - they would have skipped my generation and called you a Boomer. People are f***ed.