NHL Mega-Mock Draft Reboot - Discussion / Draft Thread – HISTORIC PHASE TWENTY!

For our laser gun, while most people are thinking offense, we don't want to be poor defensively when it comes to energy weaponry.

The H-h-h-honolulu G-ghibli whip out our Team Laser Gun, the "Acme Integrating Pistol"


So, while all of you silly gents are disintegrating each other, the Ghibli have the only fix.


@Captain Dave Poulin -- integrate your next pick, sir
For our laser gun, while most people are thinking offense, we don't want to be poor defensively when it comes to energy weaponry.

The H-h-h-honolulu G-ghibli whip out our Team Laser Gun, the "Acme Integrating Pistol"


So, while all of you silly gents are disintegrating each other, the Ghibli have the only fix.


@Captain Dave Poulin -- integrate your next pick, sir

Awesome pick. I will make my own awesome pick in the morning.
I am a man of constant sorrow.


After all these years of daily drafting in here, I went in the Yahoo thing and f***ed up so badly, so royally, that I can't even think straight. We were in the second-to-last round and I was up. All I f***ing had to do was pick Lukas Reichel and he was mine, but I got cute and thought no one had him targeted. So I picked someone else and Flyguy swooped him up. It was my massive f***-up for not checking Flyguy's previous draft, where I would have seen that he drafted and stored Reichel all of last year. F***! Now I am going to have to overpay to get him, if I even can. F***ing IDIOT!

Anyway, I know I am up, and I will pick in a minute. @ajgoal is on deck, @BigToe is on the lido deck, and @Chuck Downie is on the lido afterdeck. Despite my trouble in that Yahoo draft, I think this phase is going super well, and it seems like everyone is having fun with the categories. And don't worry, I'm not going to start talking about my "fantasy hockey team" all the time - I know how boring it is. I'm just in the f***ing doldrums the morning after.

If someone is awake, please post something after this post so my pick doesn't f***ing automerge with this post.
Thank you, brother.

For me, your laser gun has to be able to fit in a holster, to leave your back free for your katana and your hands free for a quick draw of said katana. This one will take some special tailoring for the holster to work, but it is definitely doable. It also has to have some style about it, some vintage sci-fi swag. I like the idea of it being something unknown or unexplored. This is from a small illustrated book by Michael Murdock, but I haven't read it, and I'm sure I won't. The whole idea of this for me was to just do a Google search and find a "vintage" ray gun, and this one is perfect for me.


Team Laser Gun - Dr. Mordecai Crowley's Multi-Purpose Ray Gun

You and your classmates are working your way through the woods, being careful not to make too much noise. Then you stumble across a woman, apparently unconscious and covered in blood. You quickly grab her two-way radio and tie her to a tree, backing off so you can question her from a safe distance if she comes to. Or maybe you just chop off her head.

You're in the Michigan badlands, and something has happened. Dead people are coming to life and trying to eat you and your classmates. What's going on, and how do you survive?

Using the pop-culture hook of a zombie apocalypse, this Michigan State University course teaches students about "disaster management and human behaviors in catastrophes," with the goal of teaching students the theories and skills behind how groups survive real catastrophes throughout history. Students get a glimpse of what can happen when the trappings of civilization break down - even if it's only for a little while - and understand how humans manage to deal with it.

Team College Course: Social Work 290 - Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse - Disasters, Catastrophes, and Human Behavior (Michigan State University)

You and your classmates are working your way through the woods, being careful not to make too much noise. Then you stumble across a woman, apparently unconscious and covered in blood. You quickly grab her two-way radio and tie her to a tree, backing off so you can question her from a safe distance if she comes to. Or maybe you just chop off her head.

You're in the Michigan badlands, and something has happened. Dead people are coming to life and trying to eat you and your classmates. What's going on, and how do you survive?

Using the pop-culture hook of a zombie apocalypse, this Michigan State University course teaches students about "disaster management and human behaviors in catastrophes," with the goal of teaching students the theories and skills behind how groups survive real catastrophes throughout history. Students get a glimpse of what can happen when the trappings of civilization break down - even if it's only for a little while - and understand how humans manage to deal with it.

Team College Course: Social Work 290 - Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse - Disasters, Catastrophes, and Human Behavior (Michigan State University)

You and your classmates are working your way through the woods, being careful not to make too much noise. Then you stumble across a woman, apparently unconscious and covered in blood. You quickly grab her two-way radio and tie her to a tree, backing off so you can question her from a safe distance if she comes to. Or maybe you just chop off her head.

You're in the Michigan badlands, and something has happened. Dead people are coming to life and trying to eat you and your classmates. What's going on, and how do you survive?

Using the pop-culture hook of a zombie apocalypse, this Michigan State University course teaches students about "disaster management and human behaviors in catastrophes," with the goal of teaching students the theories and skills behind how groups survive real catastrophes throughout history. Students get a glimpse of what can happen when the trappings of civilization break down - even if it's only for a little while - and understand how humans manage to deal with it.

Team College Course: Social Work 290 - Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse - Disasters, Catastrophes, and Human Behavior (Michigan State University)

Stop prepping against my mythological creature


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