NHL 24 Discussion

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The biggest issue with the game is the HUT packs dweebs that plug 100s of dollars in to their stupid little card collecting mini game. Streamers are a huge issue with this.

Sales are down but it doesn't matter because little Timmy spent $1346 on packs and the game is making great money.

I haven't purchased an NHL game the last 2 years. The BAP is so bad you'll hate hockey after 1 season.
I barely touch HUT and never bought a pack with real money in my life. People find it fun so good for them but I'll never be okay with gambling aspects (card packs, loot boxes, etc) in video games.
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I barely touch HUT and never bought a pack with real money in my life. People find it fun so good for them but I'll never be okay with gambling aspects (card packs, loot boxes, etc) in video games.
This is why WOC should be a standalone free-to-play release. Add an affordable annual membership if you want to use their Club features. Whatever.

HUT is a clear money-maker for them and it's very clearly a key focus of their game development time. And it's having a negative impact on the actual releases.

WOC doesn't have anything to do with the NHL. It doesn't require the licensing. They could make it as ridiculous as they want. The rink could be on the f***ing moon. The characters could be teletubbies. As long as it's a good functioning hockey game with realistic physics, you'll have a happy customer base.

Right now the people who play that mode are being dicked around by a company whose priority is clearly after-purchase downloadable content.
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- Fix or redo career mode. Playing on the Red Wings and they don't even qualify Seider and he signs elsewhere is a JOKE.

- And go back to playing in the juniors/minors to work your way up.

- Better AI and defense all around.

- At least allow first names of prospects to be changed, if not more.

- Make player progression more realistic. Cap traits that dont improve much in real life like skating. Maybe a 5 point limit.
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This is why WOC should be a standalone free-to-play release. Add an affordable annual membership if you want to use their Club features. Whatever.

HUT is a clear money-maker for them and it's very clearly a key focus of their game development time. And it's having a negative impact on the actual releases.

WOC doesn't have anything to do with the NHL. It doesn't require the licensing. They could make it as ridiculous as they want. The rink could be on the f***ing moon. The characters could be teletubbies. As long as it's a good functioning hockey game with realistic physics, you'll have a happy customer base.

Right now the people who play that mode are being dicked around by a company whose priority is clearly after-purchase downloadable content.
As amazing of an idea as that is, I can't see it ever happening. The way it is now if we want to play WOC we have to buy the full game, which then lets the team point to that and say "oh look how many people buy our game!", when a massive portion of us literally only buy it for WOC and don't even sniff another mode.
I mainly play EASHL with friends and the game is usually fun for the first month until the glitch goals are found and universally used by every team. Okay fine the goalie AI has a fault that was over looked when the game was released, it happens. But why the hell can't they patch the glitch goals every few weeks or at worst every month??? It can't be that hard to reprogram the goalies tendencies or abilities to severely reduce the latest glitch. And when another glitch goal comes out PATCH IT AGAIN! Why do we have to just accept these awful goals till the next release? Right now in 3v3 if I get a penalty shot I'm scoring 100% of the time if I want.

I play mostly EASHL and sometimes Franchise mode. I have some ideas, which would make the gaming experience much better.

1) Line changes for eashl club games. So instead of one you could create two players and give them individual attributes like name, jersey number and look. And then in the club lobby menu you could choose the player builds for both player slots. So in the game when the first guy's stamina drops down he has to go to the bench in order to get back full stamina and the second guy can jump in. Line changes would give a new twist and strategy into the game. For example icing call would get more meaning when tired players have to stay on the ice and that gives the opposing team edge.

2) Get rid of hockey bags in woc. I like the idea of earning points or currency. And with those points you could buy the stuff you want from the hockey shop.

3) Get rid of outside rinks and the current playoffs format in eashl.

4) Let me save my line combos in franchise mode or give me an option to give orders to my head coach to put a specific player to the position I want. For example if somebodys preferred position is C, I still could give the coach an order to play that player always in right wing. Its so frustrating to adjust the line combos all over again when injured players come back to lineup.

5) NTC and NMC clauses for contract negotiations
That's a cool idea I've never thought about. Would be nice to have another class to switch to mid game in case your main guy is getting shut down(or lit up) by the other team.
Frank Ovechkin from Denmark going first overall doesn't really do it for me..
Lol, this!

After a few years into franchise mode the generated prospects are a complete sh*tshow. At the very least keep the names/ethnicities consistent with the countries they are supposedly coming from. I like Black Russians at the bar but not on my franchise mode roster.

Having said that, knowing the tech world, if anybody brought that up they'd probably get fired for being racist and blackballed from the entire industry.

How about if you're playing a season mode game, they show you highlights of other games going on?
They used to do that in either NHLPA 93 or NHL 94.
Main thing I want is a complete overhaul of customization, there are games from like 20 years ago that had sliders for individual facial features, how the hell is a game on ps5 in 2023 still forcing you to choose from generic pre made faces?

Why do we not get to choose pants? I like to tuck my jersey in and do not appreciate these generic noname “pants” with that plain spine protector

Why does choosing a fishbowl or cage mean you need to have a stupid generic noname helmet? Why can’t you have a cage/fishbowl on the same helmets you choose from normally?? Why can’t the fishbowl be a Bauer concept 3 instead of a generic noname one?

Bring back skate profiles, blade hollow, stick flex & curve and make those affect performance. This was a feature like 20 frigging years ago!

Add the NHL logo to the created team jersey instead of having that stupid blank collar

Add different textures to choose from in jersey creation, like so you could have a sparkly outline to the numbers or something or on the jersey stripes like LA/Vegas. All the textures look like some cheap fake leather jersey numbers currently.

Add better customization to the arenas as well, should have it like one of those building sims where you have creative control instead of choosing from a few generic arenas. Allow you to add screens and cool stuff, allow customization of the exterior of the building.

Overhaul be a pro to be like NBA’s or something, be a pro is the most repetitive mode in the game

Stop having the other teams fans boo me every game in be a Pro, wtf did I do? Was I the latest victim of cancel culture? Did I do some Bertuzzi-esque hit that led to me being blackballed? They boo me every arena I play in, I do like the booing you when you injured a guy in that game but they boo me everywhere I go.

Get rid of those damn flashing colors that glitch around center ice in Chel 6’s/3’s

Add world juniors, all star games, skills comp, outdoor games, world championships, maybe even World Cup of hockey/Olympics if they had rights to franchise mode & be a pro

Add NCAA, wish they could add KHL. As well as Russia being in international tournaments. And have real jerseys for international teams.

I’m versus it shouldn’t match you if the other guy chose the same team as you
Jesus, when I read this at first I thought I must have wrote this when I was black out drunk and just forgot about it. We practically share the same brain.

If I lived in Florida we would probably be best friends, lol
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Apparently NHL 23 was a tiny update and they were already focused on developing NHL 24 which is going to be a massive leap, we shall see. What's everyones wishlist?
It was a tiny update because it always is, unless it's a year where they change engines: those years they usually remove features.

I just want the game on PC - it was removed after 2009 because of piracy, but now with launchers and online features I don't see the problem.
Doesnt EA usually show atleast a trailer at the NHL awards? Weird that nothing has been released yet
I mainly play EASHL with friends and the game is usually fun for the first month until the glitch goals are found and universally used by every team. Okay fine the goalie AI has a fault that was over looked when the game was released, it happens. But why the hell can't they patch the glitch goals every few weeks or at worst every month??? It can't be that hard to reprogram the goalies tendencies or abilities to severely reduce the latest glitch. And when another glitch goal comes out PATCH IT AGAIN! Why do we have to just accept these awful goals till the next release? Right now in 3v3 if I get a penalty shot I'm scoring 100% of the time if I want.

That's a cool idea I've never thought about. Would be nice to have another class to switch to mid game in case your main guy is getting shut down(or lit up) by the other team.
I agree that glitch goals and some of the offensive mechanics that get spammed cheapen the quality of the game. But I still believe that there are 'glitch' mechanics you can use to defend against the 'glitch' offensive ones.

There's a pretty large contingent of the player base that simply isn't growing with the complexity of the game. And as a result the skill gap between the players committing to using the tools available to them and the ones that don't grows every year.

This is more of a generalization. EA isn't off the hook in any way. They've definitely built a game that heavily caters to offensive skill. But defending against it can be fun on a team that gels well.
Some sort of defense ? Like the game is tailored to offense and half the time you can just zoom up the wing and beat the goaltender who can’t save the same 4/5 shots

Sad to say, this will probably never get fixed as long as the douchey social media guys like nasher etc are affiliated.
It's not the social media guys' fault. It's that this franchise is marketed to and is mostly played by kids. And if a goal isn't scored every 30 seconds they lose interest and don't want to play.

It will always be more of an arcade game than a simulation unfortunately, because that's where the money is at.
1. Make improvements to the perks. So many of them are never used because they're garbage. Quick Pick sounds like a great perk for a Dman, it's not. It just causes your guy to knock the puck down in the slot for the opposition rather than actually intercept it. So many useless/nonfunctional ones: Big rig, in reverse, ankle breaker, shnipe, magnetic, yoink(good idea, but doesn't work with how broken stick lifts are), shutdown, crease crasher. All are terrible. If my team lines up against a squad and anyone on the other team is using any of these, we can pretty much chalk it up as a W.

3. You should get twice the amount of CR/RP whatever metric they use if the other team backs out and you should lose twice the amount if you back out. Finish the game.
I actually find shutdown to be pretty useful and have it as a fixture for all my 3v3 builds. Agree with the other perks you listed though. Most of those don't really serve a purpose or you have to play a really niche style for them to be somewhat effective.

Regarding your "finish the game" idea, I agree in principle but I'd rather not get penalized for backing out of a game where my teammates are trolling. Also, just the other day I was up 6-1 in the 2nd and both my teammates quit. Wouldn't be a fan of losing more RP in that scenario either.
I buy the game every year because I play competitive 6s all the time but aside from 6s the game is actually ass.

I used to play franchise mode all the time , its god awful now , so boring.

Blame the HUT kids who give them thousands of dollars every year.
They make more on HUT than they make selling the actual game. Keep in mind this is a HOCKEY game , barely anybody buys it outside of hockey fans ( a rare demographic in 2023)

There is zero reason for EA to shell a bunch of money and work on franchise mode when they can just work on HUT and make more money. I don't even blame them honestly
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Jesus that was so cringy. Now I remember why i hated the 2K games.
The presentation isn't the point. You could pass the cup to every teammate and skate around the ice like you do in real life. That part is very authentic and would be a great addition to the game. It's better than the 1 minute cutscene EA does.
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The presentation isn't the point. You could pass the cup to every teammate and skate around the ice like you do in real life. That part is very authentic and would be a great addition to the game. It's better than the 1 minute cutscene EA does.
I understand that, was just commenting on why I remember now why that game was such ass.
This would be about the time I would get hyped for the new game and new possibilities. I am old, but the introduction of the skill stick in 07, wild. Eashl in 09... amazing. Haven't felt that kind of anticipation in... a long time lol.
It's pretty telling that a game releasing in 2 months has no information out. Unless of course, they delay it, but it's usually around September.


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