We try to fit in 1 hockey trip a year. (And 1 mets trip)
I remember one time in my other life, my buddy Tommy had Ranger season tickets. He calls me one afternoon and grunts " hey, you wanna go to the Ranger game against the Bruins?"
I say, sure, brawls, MSG beer, NYC bars afterwards, I am in
He says ok pack a bag, I'll pick you up in 30 minutes. I figure "cool, we're staying at our friend Eddie's house on the upper West Side." You know older preppie snobbish women ,fake names .I'll be ready
So we pick up another guy Kevin, roll up to Eddie's building, he jumps in and off we go.
Tommy starts driving in a way that leads me to ask, "where the hell are you going, the Garden is that way"
He looks back at me with a sheepish giggle and says "yeah, the game is in Boston you dope"
Hope you have as much fun as I did living the good times!