This post has aged as well as Axl Rose.
Except that Axel Rose was once somewhat attractive. That post never was.
This post has aged as well as Axl Rose.
For the record every time I look at your avatar I think that the dude is snorting lines of coke.
I'm drinking tea![]()
The most points by undrafted rookie Rangers D-men in the last 30 years:
Norm MacIver: 24
Matt Gilroy: 15
Neal Pionk: 14
This post has aged as well as Axl Rose.
I didn't know MacGyver was that good.
24 points in 37 games as a rookie, and like Pionk, MacIver also played for UMD
Man Norm Maciver blast from the past. The Kelly Kisio days. lolThe most points by undrafted rookie Rangers D-men in the last 30 years:
Norm MacIver: 24
Matt Gilroy: 15
Neal Pionk: 14
Setting up a GoFundMe to pay Webster's to add a new word into the book.
The most points by undrafted rookie Rangers D-men in the last 30 years:
Norm MacIver: 24
Matt Gilroy: 15
Neal Pionk: 14
What Axl ever did to you?
Tommy Gets His Tonsils Out - The Replacements | Song Info | AllMusicRefused to let Tommy Stinson play in a Replacements reunion until his contract with GNR was up, despite the fact that GNR wasn't touring or making a record - that's what. You DID ask...
I didn't know MacGyver was that good.
Refused to let Tommy Stinson play in a Replacements reunion until his contract with GNR was up, despite the fact that GNR wasn't touring or making a record - that's what. You DID ask...
He was sick, there was nothing he couldn’t do with just a Swiss Army knife.
The most points by undrafted rookie Rangers D-men in the last 30 years:
Norm MacIver: 24
Matt Gilroy: 15
Neal Pionk: 14