What I find ironic is that the Knicks are getting killed by some peeps in here and most in the media other than some savvy peeps like Mannix for doing the same exact thing the Rangers did which was obviously tearing it down and building with kids and the draft.
Rangers on the other hand are getting all the praise in the world and now Gorton is a genius and can do no wrong. There is no question had KD not tore his Achillies which by the way is THE worst possible injury a basketball player
can get, he'd likely be a Knick...I'm convinced about that. But he did tear his Achillies and so strategy had to change...I'm good with that.
I'm glad the Knicks did do their due diligence for a change of pace and decided that yeah we still want KD but not for max money. They wanted a bit of insurance that seeing he's only going to play for them 3 years instead of 4 and likely not be at 100% and more like 80-85% effectiveness which admittedly is still better than most in the league, they didn't want to go all in. I don't see anything wrong with that. If the prima donna KD wanted to come to the Garden so bad, he would have come.
Bottom line and I'm sorry but I'm not going to kill Mills and Perry on this one whatsoever. Knicks did the right thing. Sign a Randall who should be a nice addition and fits in with the rebuild, maybe bring in another young player for same type of money and term, you likely are a lottery team again and you live for another day.
Last thing I'll say and maybe some feel like this too but if my team I live and die for whether it's the Knicks,Rangers,Jets or Mets plays hard and is exciting and competitive but loses more than it wins, I'm OK with that so long as we see that the losing is just a temporary thing seeing the future is bright. That's what I want to see with the Knicks and I think we have the makings of that for the first time in I don't know...since the Patrick Ewing days. Things change quickly in basketball. We'll still have plenty of money after this year and let's see who becomes available next season and wants to play at the Mecca with an exciting young team....we'll see.