Hell yeah, way to keep the wrestling theme going.Urshela having an 872 ops and Tauchman having an 866 ops.
I don’t care what you or what anyone believes, to be honest. What’s being reported is being reported by people who have more insight than us and there’s been no report refuting it.
The Mets front office is well known for their stupidity. If this is some how “unbelievable” to you, I have some oceanfront property in Nebraska I’d like to sell you.
I am guilty of the "bold" statement. But, will not apologize about how I feel about the Yankees.......but in no how and no way am I guilty of "firing any personal thoughts" at Yankee fans. Not yet anyway. Lol. C'mon, this rivalry (if you wanna call it that) has been going on ever since the Mets became any kind of relevant (approx. 1969)Just as you know you the Mets suck, we know that Cashman hasn’t pulled the trigger on deals. However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t something else going on behind the scenes.
About the hostility, I don’t know what to tell you, dude. There wasn’t any toxicity until Mets fans came along and started calling Yankees fans entitled and throwing personal attacks at them.
All I’m doing is firing back at people firing at me. If they don’t like it, then maybe they should have thought twice about taking personal shots at people? That’s a nice thought, right? I also somehow can’t see people throwing personal attacks at people over sports in person. Life is a lot different behind a keyboard or a smartphone.
Yes, remember that very clearly. Sept. 12th. Remember asking for a victory, thats all I wanted for my birthday. Didnt get it, what a meltdown.2007 still puts a pit in my stomach to this day. 7 game lead on September 12th lol
Simply put, yet another thing that is wrong for baseball. Relievers with specific "inning roles, 7th, 8th and closing for example)I had just attributed Familia's issues this year to being mentally checked out in the 8th inning slot. We see that over and over with former closers.
Diaz, I have no idea what his issue has been. Maybe there's a Chipper Jones jersey buried under Citi.
Me too Bob. Crazy thought. With Diaz going badly right now, is it even possible they took a chance on letting Familia close and see if that is what he needs (the 9th) could be a mental thing like someone said, and believe that as well, even though I cang stand those specific innings assignments.I have hope for Edwin Diaz.
Familia though is just abominable at this point.
The Yankees have to be getting close to some sort of man games lost to injury.
Yankees could almost field another all star team currently with the players they have out.
C: Sanchez
1B: Voit
3B: Andujar
DH: Encarnacion
OF: Stanton
OF: Hicks
OF: Ellsbury
SP: Severino
RP: Betances
Bench: Bird
Do players on the injured list count towards the luxury cap number?
33 years since '86 is more accurate....just sayin'I don’t watch the AL so I had no idea what we were getting with Diaz. I had no idea he was this bad. He’s been awful but you can clearly see he’s got a cannon of an arm and talent galore. At least Cano is warming up.
Stroman wasn’t impressive. Again I don’t watch the AL so I don’t know much about him other than what I read.
Mets making a push BUT since the SF series we’ve had easy games.
I still have faith in MC and BVW. 50 years since the 69’ miracle Mets... just throwing that out....
I doubt we see Frazier again.I see Ford is called up. Frazier next to fill in for Hicks?