It's not for nothing, a very valid point.Not for nothing, but a healthy Nimmo would halve made a huge difference this year.
Nimms could very well be a perennial .290 hitter
Has decent power
One of the best strike zone eyes in baseball
But what might be every bit as important......his pitches per AB.
Makes pitchers work. That HAS TO a count for something good. Don't know what the stats are, but anytime you consistently drive up opposing pitchers, pitch count......has to be a very good thing.
Imagine starters having to be pulled nearly a full inning earlier because of his elongated at bats. With bullpens the way they are, easily could equate to a few more wins here and there.
I clamored for his return, knowing he could possibly be that extra "juice" in the Mets half full glass. Hasn't let me down.