Or, they take discounts, give up millions of dollars, and half the fans still complain that they're overpaid and berate them and call them greedy pigs that don't care because it's not a super de duper discount and look at X player that broke out post-signing and makes less. They signed average contracts last time, and it didn't stop a half decade of a bunch of people incorrectly claiming that they got dramatic unprecedented overpayments. The likely outcome of discounts is the GM wastes that couple million on overpaying a mid-tier player that brings a fraction of their impact and the chance of winning doesn't change at all. That's the most likely outcome. They get underpaid so that somebody else who already gets paid more relative to their impact gets more overpaid.
Are you going up to your boss at work and telling them to pay you less? Why not? Don't you care about where you work? Don't you care about your coworkers? Don't you care about the customers that use your business? Why are we not sitting here telling Kampf to take a million less per year? Does he not want to help the team? Does he not want to leave a legacy? He'd still get paid more than enough to live a lavish lifestyle, right? So who cares about his money, right?
If Matthews and Marner and Nylander take less, why not take even less than that, right? Why not just demand that they take a league minimum contract? Where's the line? Matthews and Marner and Nylander and Tavares are already taking millions less than they could earn if they really chased their maximum earning potential or if top tier players got properly compensated in this league for their impacts.
It's easy to sit at home, raking in all of the money you feel you earned at your job, and tell other employees (who spent decades making sacrifices, getting injured, and training a specific skill that limits their earning potential post-career and generates billions in revenue) to give up millions of dollars at theirs and not be paid consistent with their peers, just because you're impatient for something from the business that employs them.
Asking my boss, where I make in the tens of thousands dollars a year in no way compares to the millions they’re making. That’s just absurd! And my point is all about winning.
And it’s unfair to compare Kampf and what he makes (yes, I also think he’s overpaid, but that’s on Shanny) to the tens of millions they’re making.
As far as whether the right players would be brought in, that’s also on Shanny, as well as Tre. But at least they would be able to maybe acquire better complimentary players.
Yes, it’s just my opinion, but I really believe by them leaving some money on the table this time, at least it shows they are willing to do what they can to help this team get over that hump.
Yes, no matter what they do, there will still be some fans calling them greedy, but I feel there would be far fewer fans doing that (and I know that doesn’t faze them one bit either way).
I have probably sounded way too often that I’m putting all the blame on them. If so, I take it back. It’s ultimately up to ownership where they need to draw the line in the sand. Ownership (and Shanny and Dubas) did a poor job in those negotiations the last time around, or at least they overestimated how good this team could be come playoff time, as in having the strongest supporting cast possible to help with the added intensity that comes with the playoffs. I would also like to mention here that I think the way the league throws away the rule book in the playoffs is a huge joke! Skill is what you want to see in hockey, even moreso in the playoffs, but the idiot who runs the league likes it the way it is.
And to say demand that they just take league minimum, you’re really going overboard (yes, I know exactly what you meant, but even to say that? You’re really grasping at straws here trying to defend them)!
So to sum it all up, what you’re saying is that EVERY NHL player should be paid as much as they think they deserve/are worth. How well would that work in this Cap system?