That's quite the misrepresentation. What I remember is finding it odd that you were making statements about how bad Marner and the Leafs were in games (that we won) that you admitted to not watching the majority of. I remember you focusing in on the one negative comment a broadcast team made, on a night when they were gushing non-stop over his play. I remember you trying to evaluate a playmaker's performance exclusively by goal-scoring. I remember you being wrong about basic things, like the number of primary assists he had in the series.
What I had actually said about Marner during that interaction was that he had a great game, which was true. I also didn't say that I knew better than you because you hadn't watched every minute. The problem was that you were making unsupported arguments about games you didn't watch, that contradicted both all statistical evidence, as well as the "eye test".
Your comments at the time consisted of a lot more than just "not playing good enough", and that was after Marner had just had a great game and Toronto was up 3-1. With 3 straight losses since, during which time they struggled with conversion, it's fair to say that it's important to see more conversion specifically. It is however also important to understand what those conversion struggles are a result of, instead of just arbitrarily concluding that he sucks and is playing badly.
I haven't said anything incorrect about Marner.