Beef Invictus
Revolutionary Positivity
I have a perfect understanding of the Penguins and their situation. They are handcuffed from starting a rebuild by their aging core. And they can't trade said core because they all have earned the right to retire as Penguins. I get it. That doesn't mean you have to throw good assets after the bad money that's already being spent on the retirement tour. You could just ya know, keep your picks and ride it out.
Yeah, you obviously don't understand, much less have a perfect understanding. They do not value what you think they should, and you don't get that. They aren't trying to do what you think they should, and that disturbs you. They don't care. Neither do their fans. They're all pretty pleased right now overall.
Their values and goals have not changed since they hired Dubas. They were the same when Hextall was there. Hextall was just completely shit at pursuing their goals. Dubas understands what they value and what their goals are, and is on pace to meet them far better than Hextall. That's kind of the point, isn't it?
I don't need to see how a group of fans reacted to adding an all star. It's the exact same way Flyers fans by and large would've reacted if we signed Johnny Hockey last summer. You and all other fans that have called for a rebuild for years would've called the Flyers morons if they did that and you would've been correct. But win now moves are almost always popular amongst most of the fan base.
It's true, I would have been critical of signing JG and I didn't want it. It doesn't make sense. On the other hand, for a team that was still under the delusion that they were going for it, not signing him was a damning move by management that made zero sense based on all their other actions. So I also slammed them for the massive dissonance on display. It was a lose-lose for management due to the situation they'd created and what they were trying to do. Fletcher is great at building lose-lose situations. It's a fun trait of the Clarke Management Tree in general.
I'm gonna say this for you nice and slow so you can understand... urgency doesn't matter when you're rebuilding or a rebuild is on the horizon... AS LONG AS YOU AREN'T LOSING ANYTHING BY TAKING IT SLOW. If you trade someone for a pick 1 year in the future instead of at this draft, it's not a big deal at all. Now, if you start trading assets that would be helpful for your rebuild away entirely for a win now player, that is harmful. In the same way, if we end up not trading Laughton, or his value declines sharply, that will have been a mistake. Getting nothing from assets is bad business.
Read this slowly, for yourself: They are losing something by taking it slow. Time is also an asset, without even getting into all the other risks.
Please add the context then. I legitimately see nothing to be impressed by when I look at Dubas's track record as a GM. The only thing I'm impressed by is his meteoric rise and that he's where he's at at 37. That is impressive.
Others have already filled in those gaps for you today. You deliberately choose to remain ignorant. Why should I add myself to the list of people you ignored in your quest to fabricate your own personal fiction? I'm trying to get in some Diablo and I'm not interested in burning time doing something you've already shown you'll ignore.
The regular season does count. But winning the regular season isn't the goal. They don't throw parades for the president's trophy. And even if they did, Dubas still wouldn't have a parade because his team never even won that. If you're impressed by 115 points, good on you. I'm not.
The best a GM can do is maximize his team's chances to win. What more could he have done? Winning a Cup takes luck, hence why it's a much better strategy to maximize the length and quality of your window instead of cashing in on one chance. He did that, even with interference from The Olds in Toronto.
The Snow the Goalie podcast is not a legitimate source. If you have an actual media source with actual quotes that indicates Briere was behind Deslauriers, I would love to see it. All I've seen is mostly baseless speculation and for every story I've heard that Briere was behind it, I've seen 2 that Chuck loved him.
Considering STG's source is certainly Jones, yes. It is a legitimate source on that front. They sure did get a lot right in that period.
I'll tell you one thing for sure... that contract reeks of Chuck.
The contract? Sure. But the idea is Briere's, and it was rotten. His signings this year firm that up. Hell, for all we know he loved him some Yandle too. He does have that Flyers Management Penchant For Washed Up Slobs (tm) so far.
I don't take kindly to people I don't know putting down my alma mater. Only been dealing with it for 12 years now.
That'll happen. They earned it. Also, definitely don't ever venture into a college sports internet discussion area, especially on FB. It's nothing but putting everyone down as viciously as possible. You won't like it.
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