And Leipold seems to be the hybrid. He wants to win insofar as the team remains cash-flow positive. In other words, his top priority is making a profit, and he wants to win as much as he can within that scope, he's not willing to go cash-flow negative for a couple years to do a proper rebuild.
Further, he wants to be a differentiator, but that part is constantly at odds with him always looking to remain cash-flow positive.
A lot of owners across sports will move between being a "cost-leader" and a "differentiator", that's where it becomes cyclical. Chicago is a great example of this in recent history.
- From the early 90s to the late 00s they were pretty bad for a long time, obviously not all intentional. They weren't a premier franchise, they weren't selling out games, costs were cheap.
- After they got pieces like Kane, Toews and Keith, the on ice product vaulted to the top, as did the fan support, costs were up, revenue was way up, they were the gold standard for 8 years or so.
- Then they started another rebuild. Costs are way down, revenue is down a bit from where it was.
- Now they have Bedard and another top pick in 2024, and in time will figure to be close to where they were from 2008-2016.
That's the way a lot of teams will operate, or at least try to operate, over a long period of time. When your window is over you cut costs, stockpile talent, build for a future period where you go all out, spend to the cap, and can raise prices because your team is good. Those teams may not always be cash-flow positive in the down years, but in the high years they're making enough to offset it.
Leipold, on the other hand, chooses to remain cash-flow positive above all else, which means always going for the wins because a playoff team will almost always be cash-flow positive, even if it's clearly first round fodder.