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Would you be ok with that? Does that make it fair?
Absolutely, I am a firm believer that both parties need to live up to their end of the contracts.
Would you be ok with that? Does that make it fair?
No one knows what "the Richards situation" actually is. Comparing it to Voynov's misdemeanor is folly. You're inventing scenarios that make it convenient for your argument without considering any alternatives. It's fair to disagree with reasoning, but no need to be combative about it, because you know as much as the rest of us. Please leave the "Why Voynov but not Richards huh huh huh Kings?" ******** on the main board.
Absolutely, I am a firm believer that both parties need to live up to their end of the contracts.
I will stop posting because obviously they will not convince me and I will not convince them but I am not sure I agree with this. The argument is that Richards "broke the rules", didn't they both? I am not inventing that Voynov broke the rules, unless it is OK to do what he did.
Both sides aren't considering all alternatives, so far we are assuming that Richards was caught with some drugs while trying to cross the border and he didn't tell the Kings for 9 days. Nothing in this thread or any news on the internet says anything otherwise so this is all we have to go on.
Based on that and what we know of the Voynov situation, there is no doubt in my mind which is the more severe offense. So how is this not applicable?
We don't have enough info on the Richards situation. I won't speculate further, but it is possible that what he is accused of doing is worse than what voynov did.
I will stop posting because obviously they will not convince me and I will not convince them but I am not sure I agree with this. The argument is that Richards "broke the rules", didn't they both? I am not inventing that Voynov broke the rules, unless it is OK to do what he did.
Both sides aren't considering all alternatives, so far we are assuming that Richards was caught with some drugs while trying to cross the border and he didn't tell the Kings for 9 days. Nothing in this thread or any news on the internet says anything otherwise so this is all we have to go on.
Based on that and what we know of the Voynov situation, there is no doubt in my mind which is the more severe offense. So how is this not applicable?
I will stop posting because obviously they will not convince me and I will not convince them but I am not sure I agree with this. The argument is that Richards "broke the rules", didn't they both? I am not inventing that Voynov broke the rules, unless it is OK to do what he did.
Both sides aren't considering all alternatives, so far we are assuming that Richards was caught with some drugs while trying to cross the border and he didn't tell the Kings for 9 days. Nothing in this thread or any news on the internet says anything otherwise so this is all we have to go on.
Based on that and what we know of the Voynov situation, there is no doubt in my mind which is the more severe offense. So how is this not applicable?
So people are arguing in good faith?
You're confusing. You say we don't know Richards did, yet there's no doubt in your mind that what Voynov did is worse. If you don't see a problem with you casting an absolute judgment when you don't have facts, then yes, please stop posting.
And in regards to 'broke the rules,' if you can't tell the difference between a jaywalker and a murderer and why punishment has to fit the crime, then yes, please stop posting.
There's nothing to convince ANYONE of right now as facts are scarce and decisions aren't complete.
We can debate viewpoints and talk about where things COULD go but saying they have to go one way or another is pretty much trolling right now.
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
You can't have it both ways. You can't choose to void one guys contract but not the other because of a breach of ethics. That is my problem... The precedent is disturbing if the line is fuzzy and it will be abused, which is why the NHLPA will not stand for this for a second. Look at Donald Fehr's track record.
What are the chances that the Kings organization tipped off the border patrol?
And the Richards cap issue that lingers. The PA might want Mike contract reinstated. The deadline for buyout passed. The league won't just be able to say, now switch it back to a buyout. Mike had an NHL contract and he might want full pay, not two thirds. Sure he can be an UFA with a buyout, but he'll never ever get a new contract that will pay him more than the remaining one third. So Mike would prefer probably a trade and then still be on his contract. For those that say the league would just let a buyout stand or the recapture cap hit stand if Mike wins a settlement outside of CBA rules (ie a payoff to Mike), I just don't see the PA agreeing to that because then it sets a precedent for a way to end contracts that is not the agreed upon and bargained for buyout process. I believe the Kings need to win the material breach matter completely, or Mike is back on the team as if nothing ever happened, including no buyout, no termination, no trade yet, or no retirement!! It is also Mike's only way to win as well. Although the league currently considers him to be an UFA, if Mike signs another contract right now, that could be construed as him accepting his termination, and could negate any appeal rights he may have. So, because the Kings have terminated him instead of buyout, he has lost his right to have been properly a UFA on July 1.After signing McBain, that's 15 defensemen under contract. 16 including Voynov. The Kings are getting Lucic for about the same amount as Williams last year. Muzzin, Martinez, Toffoli, and Pearson are taking up more space. Have to sign some RFA's. Only so many dollars, especially with the Voynov question still lingering.
Doesn't look like it's going to be the perfect roster, but find one anywhere. As long as the strengths that the Kings do have outweigh the wekanesses, they'll be alright. They don't have to win the Cup in the first game of the season, so see how it works out.
I am a Wings fan.
What is worse, punching your wiif in the face, kicking and choking her several times then throwing her into a TV or getting caught with drugs and not telling your employer? This goes to credibility.
Here's something for you to think about.
Many sports lawyers have weighed in and think the Kings can't win the case against Richards. They might be right they might be wrong.
But most of them have also said unless something happens with the INS the Kings would most likely lose that as well.
So it really doesn't come down to credibility. DL knows something about the Richards case that we, and they, don't right now. And that is probably what he thinks he can win on. But we have the facts of the plea and his sentence and with those facts, that are all public record, he thinks under the CBA he can't win it.
So people are arguing in good faith?
We're not going to play the 'which crime is worse' game. Stay on topic.
What are the chances that the Kings organization tipped off the border patrol?
What if the Kings can prove via medical records that Mike Richard has been addicted to pain killers since the concussion? What if the whole "Mike Richards is out of shape" was cover for Mike Richards needs to go get help and he has refused on more than one occasion? People keep speculating over the Canada border arrest and completely ignoring the Mike Richards behavior on the ice since the concussion. There has been a pattern of unexplainable behavior for 2 years and now there is an explanation for the one of the biggest fall offs in NHL history.
Hopefully we'll get a straight to DVD film about it.
What are the chances that the Kings organization tipped off the border patrol?
I don't understand the big problem with choosing to look past Voynov's material breach but choosing to terminate Richards.
It's professional hockey, not a humanitarian organization. The Kings are trying to win hockey games. They want to keep Voynov but not Richards. omgwhothehellcares.jpg