We'll lose Grabner or Raanta I'm sure.
Both would be bad for us. Grabner really does a lot, especially at his cost. I loved Hagelin, and we have that again.
Raanta we need because of Hank's inconsistency this season. We can't gamble on him coming back to top form moving forward. I hope he does, but it's not guaranteed. Raanta helps alleviate that until we get another decent backup or one of our prospects steps in. Shesty is a way off and won't necessarily automatically translate to NHL success, let alone instantly.
I'd have to look at goalie lists to know what else is out there. I haven't really done any homework on this. If there's a comparable goalie, I'm sure they'll go for that and take Grabner. Yes they definitely want cost controlled young assets but I'm sure they know the value in a guy like Grabner at his cap for a year. Speedy PK'ing vet who can score, even if history has shown that it isn't consistent? Every team would want current Grabner.