Jeez with all this preferential treatment you’d think the leafs must be getting all sorts of favours! Yet, all you have is an opinion on a play, because it suits your pre conceived opinion.
It’s the same as on your Boston boards post game thread someone comes up with the false narrative of the HNIC crew were whining the Getz goal should’ve been called back. When in reality what was literally said was ‘Murray immediately said someone made contact with his hand’, then ‘I don’t know that’s a really tough one’ when they showed the replay. No whining as was suggested, but like you did with Bunting, your fans hopped in with a half dozen ‘of course HNIC’ did reply’s even though it’s not reality, it just confirms your already formed opinion. There are tons of examples of the leafs not getting preferential treatment but you won’t recognize that because it’s not what you want to believe.
The fact the leafs are in the bottom of the league for PP’s, as an excellent regular season team, who generally has the puck more most of every game is insane in itself. If you compare the other top teams and their pp opportunities there’s a large gap there that doesn’t make sense. The fact is that the leafs get no preferential treatment. That 1 single play that I’ve yet to see a side angle of doesn’t prove you right.
I don’t love the bunting play. But I want to see a side angle because it looked like he caught himself falling backwards on his left foot and his right came forward as he was steadying himself. If that’s incorrect and he tried to kick him, f**k him and throw him a match. No place for that.
The missed penalty was throwing a damn hockey stick lol That was directly followed by a goal. That was a really bad non call.