Heard Berlin talking about watching McDavid at ice level and how his speed is even more amazing seeing it that close instead of even being in the seats. Just curious if anyone else has experienced seeing him up close and what’s it’s like?
I've seen a few athletic virtuosos in my life.
Back in 1997, I saw Michael Jordan Bulls take on the Vancouver Grizzlies
Watching Jordan live was f***ed up because he didn't move like a real person, he moved like a badly animated CG character. 4 players would jump for the ball, all at the exact same height, but Jordan for some reason would stayin the air longer than players who could jump higher than him, and retrieve almost any ball he wanted. He moved faster and in a strange way that didn't look real.
BTW, I was studying animation at the time, and I honest to god felt like if I animated Michael Jordan and handed his movements in, I would receive an F. he moved faster than the physics or physiognomy seemed to allow.
Back in 1987, I saw Gretzky live for the first time, and on TV I would say he just looked shockingly unremarkable.
When you watched Gretzky live? WAY different experience.
For starters, what you don't see on those old 320i Standard Definition TV's is how Gretzky faked the shit out of everyone by looking at places you think he would pass to, but then passes to another place where a player, tape to tape, saucered on his backhand though a maze of sticks. His eyes never looked where he was going, or where he was passing, it was like his head was up just scanning like a terminator.
On TV, I could see why people would think there was a league mandated conspiracy of "no hitting Gretzky" rule, but when you saw him live on the ice, you realise Gretzky was aware of any opposition player who was trying to line him up. Other players were playing for contracts too, and those guys wanted to win the cup too. They all said 'Trying to hit Gretzky was like trying to hit smoke'.
Not really a remarkable athlete, but watching him live was a much different experience than watching him on standard definition TV's where you miss how shifty, and deceptive he was.
Back in 2005-06 I worked for Tony Hawk. I got to watch him live several times during mocap shoots when I was making his video game. He has that same Michael Jordan thing where he would hang in the air for a LONG time. like.. strangely long (which is how he was the only skateboarder to land the 900 spin).
But he toured with another skater Lincoln Uyeda who could get the most air. He could get like 2 stories of air on a half-pipe. What was more astounding, was When Tony and Lincoln did the finale of their duo routine, Link got the 2 stories of air, and Tony would get like 1/3 of the height but Tony would leave the ramp before Link, and land after him. He just hung in the air for long ass time, and could pull off 2-3 moves in the time Link could do 1.
SOOO... Long preface:
McDavid is surreal to watch live because you REALLY see how much faster he is than everyone.
It was reminiscent of that bad-CGI looking Michael Jordan agility, but others older fans have told me that he reminds them of watching vintage Muhammed Ali. McDavid skates like a waterbug everywhere, and the opposition in a lot of ways are just sort of helpless to the speed. The only thing that can do is clog lanes, and block angles, but nobody has any way to contain that speed.
But the thing you maybe don't get a sense of on TV is how powerful McDavid is. He's not like Johnny Gaudrea where he's light and nimble. Nope, McDavid is a lot bigger than you think, and his stride is INCREDIBLY powerful, which makes his agility and he has probably the best hands in NHL history. People think its Patrick Kane because of his 500x deke shootout move. But the truth is, that's actually McDavid all the time, he's constantly tapping the puck and directing it at full speed with full control.
Not sure if you've ever seen Floyd Mayweather fight? but the way he fights is to exhaust the opponent for 6-7 rounds, and when he senses the exhaustion, he gets to come at them with full speed and pick their exhausted asses apart. And in a lot of ways that reminds me of McDavid. He just uses his speed to pick apart slower opponents in an almost unfair way.