I live in Guelph ....and watch the Guelph Storm but not last year when Matthew Poitras played ...mostly due to covid reasons but I'll make an effort to see him live at least 10 times this year coming up ... I'm no scout but I've watched and played hockey my whole life so I'll fill you in with my opinion as it comes ... I'll try and see him vs weak and strong teams, see him against elite shut down defenders, etc, and see if he can rise to the occasion.... sounds like he has compete and play making abilities, two things not teachable so I'm optimistic ...if anyone has any specific questions or sees team matchups they'd like me to see for specific reasons, let me know, I'll try to make it and fill you in (just got back from a week at the beach ...Sandbanks beach in Picton for you Ontarioans and Quebecers in the know for world class great lake beaches ...so first I'm able to respond to respond to the draft. )