I know it's a small sample size, but it's getting larger. I'm not an expert by any means, and reading comments from some knowledgeable people here (like Xpyrit) gives me pause WRT how I evaluate goalies with my untrained eye. Here's the thing though, he is letting in *weak* goals, and inspires no confidence in me as a casual fan. How can inspire confidence in the team playing in front of him?
The super weak goals need to stop altogether, and he has to save *some* of the hard ones. At this point I just assume that a high danger chance is going in the net. I can't even get excited when the game is tied or close. It's like the waiting for the inevitable.
So, I seriously hope he lives up to his contract. As pointed out, we are still a budget team, 6 Mill is significant. If he plays bad, we lose. If he doesn't play, that's 6 mill for our budget we are not spending on a solid player elsewhere.
I'm a fan of feel-good stories, we've seen some crazy stuff with this team (Hamburgler anyone?), I hope the next story is Murray, and fully acknowledge he will need some help from the team for that to happen.
Consistently consistent = trust. Win me back.
Fickle Fan