Maximizing value of said player prior to him declining is not the definition of a hater. Doing the opposite ends up poorly, look at G and Staal.
He's not 24 year old stud whose best hockey is in front of him.
The only ones who call me a hater are your fellow members in the Zucc can do no wrong birgade. Watching you guys get together is like watching the assembly of the saddest power ranger robot ever
PS: I'm happier about this win than you are

Seems to me that you're just happy that Zucc contributed.
I watch every game the Rangers play during the regular and playoff season. I also participate in the GDT since they're a nice play to vent some steam during the game.
Doing that you will obviously notice a trend going around. One trend this season is you being especially hostile towards zucc, and jump on anyone calling you out on it labeling them with whatever the word of the day is to avoid the complaint.
Personally, I would have a much easier time understanding where you are coming from, if I didnt constantly see a stream of people complimenting zucc for something he did, then the next page I'll see you going "Zucc is garbage, and has been garbage for months". If people who call you out is the 'can do no wrong crowd', you certainly are the 'zucc can do no right Emperor'.
As for the '24' year old stud comment.
Peoples opinion on NHL player ages vary every time they have something to say.
"A Player does not enter his prime before he's 27"
"24 year olds are rookies, will take years to mature"
"Power Forwards dont bloom until they are 28"
"Players production go down when they are 29"
"We must trade to get younger" (We are the 7th or so youngest team in the nhl)
"Trade Zucc (29) for Shattenkirk (29) and give him a monster contract"
Like, its just all over the place. Every excuse to fit their own argument. Good to elite NHL players are good to elite until they get to at least 35.
Players with less mileage have a great chance at being highly productive until well past their mid 30s.
According the HFNYR. A players prime is between the ags of 27 and 29, after that timespan they must be traded to make room for a young guy we must develop the next 5 years so they can become as good and just maybe, better than the guy we traded away.
I dont have an opinion on what the return for Zucc will be, all I know is that the return we get wont replace what he brings.